My hobbies

If work is my passion and innovating is my routine, then hobbies are my release. They offer a creative escape where I can explore new ideas, recharge, and find joy beyond the daily grind.


Capturing moments and revealing the unseen beauty in each frame.

Music Production

Creating harmonious compositions that resonate and elevate the soul.


I enjoy the control, pace, and calculated aiming in this game.

Table Tennis

I enjoy the physics of ball swing, bat spin, and the fast-paced gameplay.


I enjoy experimenting with different bowling actions and spins.


I love exploring the natural world created by God.


Experimenting with flavors and grilling perfect steaks to savor.


Building practical wooden photo frames and projects, or at least trying to.


I collect coins and other currencies; it's a practice I've had since childhood.

Plane Spotting

I love watching and identifying different aircraft—it gives me nostalgic feelings.